Alright, I'll say this: I immediately played the original because I recognized the cadence immediately even though I'm not a huge Twenty One Pilots fan. That being said, I love this rendition more than the original. The beat feels more dynamic and thus feels more enjoyable to listen to for me. There are elements added in your version that feel grittier, a different rawness, and I like the entire vibe I am getting here. On top of all that, truthfully, I like your singer's voice and tonality more than the original as well. It feels more original to me (the original sounds a bit cookie cutter until they get to that last section) and I actually just like your voice more. Of course, there are awesome elements to the original I love like how visceral that third act is, but this is the first cover I've heard in a little while that is better than the original in my opinion. Great job yall!! Thanks for sharing! Absolutely liked and reposted!”

Lonely Robot Music

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